The power of behavioural flexibility

Hello Life Loungers

Do you want a place at the next Life Lounge on Thurs 13th April – if you have not yet booked your place just simply send me an email. We are delighted to welcome Mindfulness teacher Martin Wilks as our guest presenter.

Perhaps you know the serenity prayer: “Give me the courage to change that which can be changed, the serenity to accept that which cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference”.

Powerful and insightful words. What if you had method for personal development that promoted this kind of behavioural flexibility.


Martin will be showing us a model that integrates six core processes to optimise flexibility. They help us change our behaviour so we can live our lives with purpose and meaning, and in line with our values.


Martin will introduce to the 6 core processes via ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) – an integration of Mindfulness and CBT which is more than the sum of its parts. This will be a taster ahead of a two-day experiential introduction workshop in Ipswich in the autumn.


Simply email to book your place:


April 13th 7 – 9 pm at Quay Place (drinks available from 6.45 for a £1 donation to Suffolk Mind). £10 on the door


Best wishes from The Life Lounge Team