Self & Peer help

Maybe you can’t afford therapy, or you want to spend your hard-earned dosh on something else? Or perhaps there’s no specific ‘problem’ you want to work on – you just want to optimise your way of living and being?
Well, I do offer a sliding scale in cases of financial hardship – and my coaching work directly addresses the latter.

AND, I have a great deal of respect for the growth-potential and community building possibilities of peer-learning communities such as co-counselling, CCI and the peer support network, PSN. I spent many years as an active member of London CCI as a teacher and as a teacher trainer. But most importantly as a participant in 100’s of mutual, shared co-counselling sessions and at co-counselling workshops I did much of the personal development work that gradually grew into an interest in person-centred counselling as a job and subsequently, counselling psychology as a profession.

I still go to CCI workshops when I can, but have less to do with the co-counselling community since I left London and began working full time as an independent mental health and well-being professional. However, we here in Suffolk are doubly lucky in that there is both an active CCI learning community and an exciting new development: the Peer Support Network, PSN. This latter network came about as a collaboration between Suffolk CCI teachers and Suffolk Mind. I am one of the four directors of the PSN Community Interest company which was set up to guide the development and roll-out of PSN.

Both learning communities require members to have participated in a basic training program before starting to facilitate free shared sessions between each other. The CCI 40 hr program is very accessibly priced with concessions for hardship; and the PSN training course is currently fully grant subsidised.

Co-counselling international, CCI

Peer support Network, PSN