Mindfulness Retreats
A day retreat allows for a more sustained and intensive cultivation of the mindfulness perspective. These retreats are for people who already practice mindfulness meditation; perhaps coming to the end of an 8 week course, or graduates of previous 8 week courses. They are also suitable for mental health & well-being practitioners who are exploring how to weave the mindfulness and acceptance perspective into their therapeutic work with others. (CPD certificates will be available on prior request )
You can secure a place on the retreat by paying now via
OR read on – another link button below
Intended as a day for deepening personal practice, support, networking and facilitated group inter-vision; the balance between these intentions will depend upon the group composition and the stated individual needs and preferences of participants. As well as serving as a refresher for mindfulness practices typically used in an 8 week (or 2weekend) course we’ll work with new practices such as: ‘loving kindness’ and ‘compassion’.
I’m pleased to be offering a series of three retreats per year in conjunction with ‘Otley Hall’ – an inspiring venue that already has a tradition of offering quiet days and retreats. Retreats will happen towards the end of each school term, to coincide with the ‘termly’ MBSR/MBCT courses.
One feature of their beautiful gardens, is a walking meditation labyrinth – based on an ancient design.
The Otley hall Retreat centre lies just 8 miles away from Ipswich town centre. If you are coming from further afield by train we can make efforts to arrange taxi lift share from the station. Drivers will have no problem parking in the extensive grounds of Otley Hall: here’s a link with contact details and a map
Forthcoming retreats:
Saturday, November 3: Winter retreat
Saturday, March 2: Anticipating Spring
10am – 5pm, (arrive from 9.30)
Cost: £60 inc. lunch and refreshment
Good to bring your own cushion or stool for seated meditations (though provided chairs will be fine if you’d prefer), a shawl or light blanket, an exercise mat. Come prepared for walks outside in the exquisite gardens – depending on the season wellies, macs & umbrellas, hats, caps, slippers, sunglasses may be appropriate.
You can secure a place on the retreat by paying now via