Celebrating our ‘full moon’ mindfulness drop-in practice
Heartening to be with our best yet turnout for the Mindfulness drop-in on Wednesday which – conveniently this month – happened to fall upon a full moon eve. This was the first time I’d publicised on the MEETUP platform – with the strapline: “Like minds liking mindfulness” And it was exciting to discover that it is indeed possible to meet-up with new people in this way.
The simple 3 phase formula of ‘checking-in intro round’, then ‘guided practice’ finishing off with ‘post-practice dialogue around emerging themes’ seemed to serve us well …and – by way of rescuing us from the slim possibility of taking it all too seriously – there was a significant sub-group went to finish off the evening together in a local pub.
The little practice room space was cosily crammed – though we were all sat on chairs. It’s time to suggest that you bring your cushions or stools (but we’ll still make room for a chair or two if you have special need?). Many of us will be more familiar and comfortable with this sitting arrangement – and more importantly we’ll have room to welcome a few more like minds to join us.
Consider joining us on Mindfulness Suffolk facebook page?
And here’s more detail about the drop-in: http://www.martinwilks.com/drop-in-mindfulness-sessions-1st-wed-of-month/
This link tells you about the mindfulness practitioner’s day retreat: March 14, at Otley Hall
And our next formal 8 week MBCT/MBSR course starts April 21’st
metta, warm regards to all,
Filed under: Uncategorized on February 6th, 2015