It’s here / and NOW! – Blue Monday
Well, I’ve had my call – apparently TODAY is going to be Blue Monday – seems a little later this year? Have we collectively become slightly more resilient? Or is it linked to changing weather patterns?
Anyhow I’m due to discuss again this year on Radio Suffolk in around 30 mins.
We got off to a great start last week with the ‘winter’ 8 week mindfulness course; the next course starts after Easter: April 22’nd
After the partying’s over … there’s often a collective sense of grim resignation follows the Xmas holidays. The media has dubbed it ‘Blue Monday’ and around mid-January 2014 it will turn up as another news item. I’m often asked to talk about it on a Radio Suffolk morning chat show. What to say? Well yes, the collective societal momentum of looking forward to the Xmas break has just gone ‘pop’ – what’s to be ‘looked forward to’ now? The weather IS often more challenging, and that lack of sunlight already beginning to deplete our Vit D resources …seasonal adjustment disorder, SAD? Already lost motivation for all of our new year intentions? And so on – but hey? These are the seasons, these things happen … we have our ‘seasons of discontent’ – and it’s not just in winter.
Mindfulness courses don’t pitch in to battling with the seasonal nature of life (neither climatic nor emotional); instead they work on cultivating resilience through strengthening and improving access to our inner resources.
And here’s the really relevant news – there’s a new MBCT/MBSR course starting either the Tuesday before, or after (depending upon which Monday the media decide upon) Blue Monday, 2014 …and that Tuesday is 14/1/14
More details and how to book:
Filed under: Uncategorized on December 10th, 2013