When It Happens to Us

When Pain Happens We suffer because we marry our instinctive aversion to pain to the deep-seated belief that life should be free from pain. In resisting our pain by holding this belief, we strengthen just what we’re trying to avoid. When we make pain the enemy, we solidify it. This resistance is where our suffering begins. – […]

Mary Oliver: “I Worried”

Mary Oliver: “I Worried” I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth turn as it was taught, and if not how shall I correct it? Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven, can I do better? Will I ever be able […]

Next Day Retreat for mindfulness practitioners

Less then three weeks to go; still some places available. TREAT yourself to a ReTREAT! Take a day-break from inter-connectivity and switch back into inner-connectivity http://wp.me/p3nw5O-cs

Meditation, poetry (& song)

Meditation and Poetry Traditions of deliberate attention to consciousness, and of making poems, are as old as humankind. Meditation looks inward, poetry holds forth. One is private, the other is out in the world. One enters the moment, the other shares it. But in practice it is never entirely clear which is doing which. In […]

Concentration and Inquiry

Concentration and Inquiry It is essential that you cultivate together and in harmony these twin elements of concentration and inquiry. Concentration will bring stability, stillness, and spaciousness; inquiry will bring alertness, vividness, brightness, and clarity. Combined, they will help you to develop creative awareness, an ability to bring a meditative mind to all aspects of […]